About allbib

allbib is a Perl script with Gtk bindings that I wrote in order to help me deal with bibliography formats that are not compliant with existing BibTeX styles, with document styles not covered by LaTeX and with bibliographic records that BibTeX cannot handle properly, i.e. archive documents.

allbib creates, modifies, searches in and checks files that are understood by BibTeX, and provides an easy to use, hands on keyboard most of the time, graphical interface for all these operations. allbib is inspired from tkbibtex, but grew to be something rather different from it.

I use allbib for my current research project, which deals with youth movements in the Romanian Kingdom between 1860 and 1916. The final product should be a collection of about one hundred societies, with member lists, regulations, publications, reviews of major actions that those societies initiated or only took part into, references to laws and regulations dealing with the right of association and with societies for secondary school and university students, and bibliographies following the sections devoted to each society etc.

I am trained in the Humanities and I am interested in Perl and Gtk, and programming generally, only as a hobby. I wrote allbib for my own use. Fell free to use it, if it suits you, and how it suits you, without thinking of ``moral debts'' or anything else of this kind, as long as you let others do the same (see the copyright notice for exact details).

Submit bugs, suggestions, wishes, spelling or grammar errors, and flames to : emilper@yahoo.com.


The ItemFactory code is pasted from the Gtk-Perl tutorial written by Stephen Wilhelm.